We are hosting this competition as one way to celebrate our book launch month!
Does your child love children's books?
Is your child between the ages of 4-8?
Does your child like to color/paint?
If you answered yes to all three questions, then we invite your child to enter our coloring contest for a chance to win a free book (the first prize winner receives a free hardcopy book AND a frog diffuser/humidifier)!

Our children's book may be about a frog with food allergies, but it about so much more than that. We all need to feel like we belong somewhere, that we fit in. No one likes to feel like a burden, or like the center of attention for all the wrong reasons. Most of our reviewers so far have pointed out how universal the message of our book is and how effective it will be at raising awareness and compassion in all elementary school students. Your child doesn't have to have food allergies to love this book, just knowing another child or going to school with rules in place to protect those who do will make this relevant.
To learn more about our book, get contest information, register for an event, or contact me to schedule a private reading for your classroom/library, go to: www.aliciajpfaff.com.